Specailist French Course

French for bank staff.

Flag French

About our course French for bank staff.

You know everything there is to know about investments, loans, internet banking, saving for pensions, and payment methods.

But can you deliver the same high service in French.

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    Frans voor banksector

    Could this be for you.

    If you work in a bank or have ambitions in that direction, the course in French for bank staff will give your career a major boost.

    At present you have command of French to a good intermediary level. That means you speak effortlessly and can function well in a range of situations. But doing your job in French with the same impact as in your native language is still a challenge. You lack the nuances and the specific terminology used in banking. We will improve your French in areas tailored to your job and the associated requirements. The course will cover the documents you use in your job. Your job and tasks, your contacts and the discussions you have will form the basis for the training.

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    Frans voor bankmedewerker

    What you can do after this course?

    • Apply specialist banking terminology.
    • Give information about bank products in face-to-face conversations, over the phone or by e-mail.
    • Take part confidently in meetings.
    • Communicate in a client-oriented way.
    • Handle complaints.
    • Communicate in writing efficiently.
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    Bankmedewerkers Frans

    Contact us.

    We believe it is best to discuss your personal training programme from the perspective of your specific needs. That lets us organise a customised programme.


What we do?

Give yourself and your professional career a boost with a customised language course. Step 1: put together your ideal Language Learning Mix. That makes sure your training course fits with your goals and wishes.



If you want to start on a French course, we will phone you first for a brief screening. This lets us determine your current level of proficiency and find out what your goals and expectations are. We use this information to find the right language trainer for you.
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Finding right Mix

We put an effort into creating the right customised language course, and we need lots of information from you. Do you prefer face-to-face classes or a virtual course? Would you rather learn on your own or in a group? Is e-learning for you or not? The answers to all those questions help us to figure out your perfect Language Learning Mix.
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On y va.

Do you like the look of this Language Learning Mix? Then we can get started. First we look for the right language trainer for you given your proficiency, goals and job.

What clients, trainers and trainees say.

As a Happiness Officer at X2O my responsibilities include finding the right training solutions for my colleagues. As X2O is currently rapidly expanding in Belgium and abroad, I contacted BLCC to help me organise language courses via Cevora. I decided to take a French course myself too, since I haven't used French in my career over the past years, which makes it difficult to communicate with my French-speaking employees. My training went very well. My teacher really makes an effort to understand my professional context and to support me in how to deal with specific cases in French.
Finding the right training solutions for the growing team of X2O
I was looking for a course that focused on speaking, in the sales context rather than general speaking skills. BLCC listened perfectly to my specific requirements. The trainer was very knowledgeable.
A language course that focused on speaking.
I have regular lessons via Skype and I’m already reaping benefits from those lessons.  I recently advanced one level. My French has genuinely improved: I notice the difference in my contact with colleagues, clients and journalists. I’d give BLCC an 11 out of 10!
I’m already reaping benefits from those lessons.
I feel much more comfortable now when on the phone. I can express myself more fluently in French as well when giving presentations and I no longer worry so much about the mistakes I make.
I feel much more comfortable now when on the phone.
Sandra's online classes were exceptionally organized and well-prepared. Despite my expectations of slow progress, I noticed significant improvement with my commitment. Sandra's teaching style is amazing, making each lesson a highly anticipated event in my week. Her constant interaction was crucial for my progress, as self-study is challenging for me. The didactic material was clear, structured, and perfectly adapted to my level. I have no adjustments to suggest at this time. I highly recommend Sandra's course for a dynamic and motivating French learning experience.
I highly recommend Sandra's course for a dynamic and motivating French learning experience.
I had a very positive experience with BLCC’s language training. As a Content Officer at UNICEF België, I aimed to improve my French to communicate more effectively with colleagues. My trainer, Anahyse, was very supportive and made the learning process smooth and enjoyable. Since completing the course, I feel more confident understanding French in my professional environment. It has been a valuable step in enhancing my language skills.
It has been a valuable step in enhancing my language skills.

Zijn er nog vragen?

Before we really get started, we would like to call you for a screening. This way we find out what your current language level is and what goals you have.

Schedule a telephone appointment when it suits you with one of our Training Advisors.

blcc blog

Articles that inspire.

Want to know more about how to learn a language? How to set up a strategic language policy as a company? Why you must use e-learning? Or simply how BLCC puts the ideal Language Learning Mix into practice? Discover all our articles here and get inspired.

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Contact us

Do you have any questions about the training?

Do you still have burning questions about this course? 

Contact one of our Training Advisors using the form below. We are happy to help you.