As a talented sales employee, you are undoubtedly good at client-oriented communication, negotiation, persuasion and dealing with resistance ... in your own language.
But are you equally good at this in Dutch?
As a talented sales employee, you are undoubtedly good at client-oriented communication, negotiation, persuasion and dealing with resistance ... in your own language.
But are you equally good at this in Dutch?
If you work in sales or have ambitions for a job as a salesperson, give your career a boost with our course in Dutch for sales staff.
You already have command of Dutch to a good intermediary level. That means you speak effortlessly and can function well in a range of situations. However, you still don’t manage to have the same impact when talking to clients as in your native language. Don’t worry! We will improve your Dutch in areas tailored to your job and what you need to be able to do. Your product, clients and discussions form the basis for the training.
That’s possible! Thanks to a unique partnership with CrossKnowledge , we can offer you specialised e-learning modules for honing your sales skills — in Dutch of course!
You decide yourself what you want to learn, and kill two birds with one stone in the process. This course focuses on the following:
Give yourself and your professional career a boost with a customised language course. Step 1: put together your ideal Language Learning Mix. That makes sure your training course fits with your goals and wishes.
We put an effort into creating the right customised language course, and we need lots of information from you. Do you prefer face-to-face classes or a virtual course? Would you rather learn on your own or in a group? Is e-learning for you or not? The answers to all those questions help us to figure out your perfect Language Learning Mix.
Do you like the look of this Language Learning Mix? Then we can get started. First we look for the right language trainer for you given your proficiency, goals and job.
Before we really get started, we would like to call you for a screening. This way we find out what your current language level is and what goals you have.
Schedule a telephone appointment when it suits you with one of our Training Advisors.
Want to know more about how to learn a language? How to set up a strategic language policy as a company? Why you must use e-learning? Or simply how BLCC puts that ideal Language Learning Mix into practice? Discover all our articles here and get inspired.
Ontdek hoe BLCC inzet op innovatie, AI en technologie om flexibele en gepersonaliseerde taalondersteuning te bieden voor professionals in elke sector.
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