Do you have questions about our language courses, our approach or BLCC? You can find answers to frequently asked questions here!

Which material is used in my language course?

BLCC's e-learning platform offers a wealth of material and forms of practice, with content completely tailored to your professional language needs. For lower levels, you will find everything there! You can also refresh your grammar or vocabulary.

If you have a higher language level, you probably have more specific language needs. Depending on your work and your context. The more material you bring to the session or send to your trainer, the better your language trainer can respond to those specific needs. Think of presentations, internal reports, e-mails, ... the trainer will exploit this linguistically (and professionally) within your training!

Over the years, our experienced trainers have also built up a lot of their own material. This too will be used in your language training! That is why it is a conscious choice by BLCC to know our trainers well. Then we can match the trainer ideally with your language challenges!