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What are best practices for attending a virtual training course?

Virtual training requires a different type of interaction than face-to-face. We are therefore happy to provide some best practices for smooth participation.

  • Be on time! It seems obvious, but arriving on time virtually is even more important than face-to-face.
  • Prepare yourself well.
  • Provide a quiet and low-noise environment. It will benefit your own experience and not disturb the other participants.
  • Answer questions from the trainer quickly and clearly. He or she will indicate which way to respond: via chat, poll, microphone, etc.?
  • Prepare to switch on your webcam. This will greatly enhance the personal experience and bond with the trainer and other participants.
  • Communicate clearly and openly with the trainer. Are you briefly unable to attend? If so, let this be known so that the trainer does not instruct or address you.
  • Take an active attitude. Virtual training is not a 'lecture'. Participation is much higher and the personal connection with the other participants and the trainer is key! Go into the session with this attitude too. You will not be able to hide away!
  • Dare to ask questions! Did you miss something? Is something not clear? Let your trainer know!