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How do I prepare myself for a virtual class?

A virtual class is different from a lesson face-to-face. Not only teaching is different, but also attending class. So prepare well for your first steps as a virtual student! How?

  • Is the app already installed on your PC? Please do this in advance so you can already detect any difficulties and avoid stressing at the time of your first lesson. BLCC also provides a test moment to test the sound, picture and connection. Take advantage of this! Do you have any questions? Then be sure to contact the support service at support@blcc.be
  • Be on time! Not just at your first lesson, but at all lessons. For a trainer, monitoring attendances online is quite a challenge. So arriving late is even more annoying in a virtual setting. The previous point can help you with that! Have you logged in successfully? Then, of course, you can grab a cup of coffee before the class effectively starts.
  • Turn off your 'distractors'. Make sure you don't see email notifications, set your phone status to 'do not disturb' and challenge yourself not to surf to other websites. By the way, BLCC can monitor trainees' engagement during the virtual class. So a as warned trainee, it is better not to multitask during virtual class.
  • Let your colleagues know that you are in training and so they should not disturb you. This is because in many cases, you will still be in the same place - at your desk - and it will not be obvious to everyone that you are occupied.
  • Put yourself in a quiet place. Background noise will disturb not only your own concentration, but also that of all the other trainees in the class.
  • The right device is crucial! In principle, it is possible to follow the virtual class via smartphone or tablet, but we definitely do not recommend this. The screens are too small to follow everything properly. Moreover, you will not be able to type as effectively as with a keyboard.