Pieter and Louis from Hilti about their French language training.

Young potentials Pieter & Louis from HILTI on their French language training.


"My language skills in French? Enough to survive, not to perform professionally".

You're young and you want something. Easier said than done. Remember when you were in the starting blocks of your career? 

For recent graduates, it is sometimes searching for their ideal place within the job market. Do I want to work in a multinational company or a small SME? Do I prefer a formal or an informal corporate culture? Which jobs can I do with my degree? And above all: which jobs do I want to do?

For those who have just received their diploma, it is a step into the big unknown.

As an employer, you can anticipate this. Companies are increasingly organising programmes for starters, young talents, young potentials... Whatever you call them, they have one thing in common: during these programmes, juniors get a taste of professional life as much as possible, in as short a time as possible.

We talked about it with Pieter Rosseel and Louis Zehner. They started their Global Traineeship for young graduates at Hilti last year. For 2 years, they go in search of their dream job within the company.



Shining up what was previously rusty, in other words. So the professional language training the duo took was more than welcome! "Especially since we filled it out completely on our own. Grammar classes or conversation classes? General or professional language? We brought the topics from our own field, about our job in Paris," Pieter adds.

The key phrases they learned during language training? They immediately put those into practice, on the job. "We noticed the practical usefulness of the language training almost immediately!" laughs Louis.

Pieter agrees: "The key phrases about presenting come in useful nearly every day. How do you start your presentation? How do you engage your audience? And how do you explain to your audience that they should keep questions for the end?".

Meanwhile, the two also provide internal training for colleagues. Also in French. It is not error-free. But their colleagues realise that the duo's mother tongue is Dutch. And will remain so. So the occasional mistake creeps into their French is inevitable.

Both men already have a solid basic knowledge of French before starting their project in Paris, thanks to their school careers.

"Sufficient to survive. But to also function well in that professional context? That's something else," Louis argues.

Pieter agrees and nods. "Our language skills clearly needed an upgrade. Then again, it had been 3 years since I actively needed French. Then that fades away."

"The fact that we make an effort to provide training in French to a French-speaking target audience is more important. It creates a lot of appreciation," Louis said.

So you see. The duo's language training not only had a positive effect on their own professional performance, but also on their colleagues. Their language efforts also improve relationships with colleagues and team cohesion. Which guarantees better cooperation in the future!

For these two young starters, with tons of energy and the will to move forward, one targeted language training course made a world of difference. For them, for their colleagues and for their organisation in particular.

Do you also have start-ups on board whose rusty language skills could use a boost? Would you like to integrate language training into your Young Talents programmes? Or would you simply like to experience the positive effects of professional language training within your company?

Then don't hesitate to get in touch.

Wondering if your young potentials are standing in the way of your company's growth? Then download our white paper where we give you five signs that show you that your young potentials' language skills - or lack thereof - are hindering the growth of your company.

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