Join BLCC today

Language trainer Spanish.

Are you the ambitious language trainer Spanish who always wants to integrate the latest insights? Together with BLCC you can put your efforts into shaping the language training of the future.

Working at BLCC as a language trainer Spanish.

As a proud spin-off of KU Leuven, BLCC offers impactful language solutions. We provide tailored language training that meets the expectations of our clients. Whether it's in groups or individually, for small or large companies, everything is possible. Our focus is always on customer satisfaction, entrepreneurship, and the desire to excel.

Become a BLCC language trainer.

To fulfill our ambitions, we're searching for exceptional professionals like you to strengthen our team.

Will you be joining our team soon as a Spanish language trainer?

WEB / Taaltrainer Nederlands

Your skills.


  • You have native or near-native mastery of the language.

  • You have experience in corporate language training. Your approach focuses on communication and competence. The client’s communication needs are your starting point.

  • You believe digital tools can enhance the impact of your training and you expertly find your way around a virtual classroom.

  • Working with different learning tools is part of your teaching approach.

  • You will be a BLCC ambassador to our clients.

  • You project the message that learning a new language is enriching and broadens horizons, and that it’s fun.

WEB / Taaltrainer Nederlands

What we offer you.


  • You will receive training in BLCC’s language learning philosophy, the learning platform and course material.

  • You will become part of a learning community with your fellow trainers through the BLCC Academy’s events. You will get access to face-to-face or online workshops on general subjects and more specific topics.

  • You will get support tailored to your needs from our language coaches. You can contact them for teaching skills support, course material and practical questions. They are there to help you.

  • You will join a friendly team that takes your preferences into account. And of course that is keen to get to know you

WEB / Taaltrainer Nederlands

What happens next?

Complete the form below and we will contact you for an introductory interview with our coaches. We will draw up a detailed profile and match your expertise, experience and preferences with our clients. We also look at the fit with the culture and the willingness to learn.

If this all went well, then we will be happy to have you on our team and we’ll prepare for your start.



What our language trainers say about BLCC.

Arjan K. - Dutch Trainer
Het grootste voordeel van virtuele lessen is ongetwijfeld de tijdswinst en efficiëntie, zowel voor de trainer als voor de cursisten. Bovendien hoef je niks in te boeten qua lesinhoud. Zowel conversatie-oefeningen, theoretische uitleg als rollenspellen blijven perfect mogelijk in een onlineleslokaal.
Arjan K. - Dutch Trainer
Cynthia C. - Dutch Trainer
Niet zelden verwelkom ik in mijn les ontgoochelde cursisten, die na een maandje zelfstudie de handdoek in de ring gooiden. Het Nederlands werd onderschat. Het wordt ervaren als een moeilijk, niet logische taal en de motivatie om de taal onder de knie te krijgen is ver zoek. Op zulke momenten heb je een taaltrainer nodig die niet alleen sterk is in zijn of haar vak, maar die de cursist begrijpt, kan motiveren en vooral zin laat krijgen om er opnieuw en volop voor te gaan. Dat maakt BLCC sterk. Geen bandwerk maar maatwerk.
Cynthia C. - Dutch Trainer
Nynke D.J. - English and Dutch Trainer
Online teaching even has it own advantages. It is easier to fit in as I usually plan short sessions, which are more efficient as the students are able to stay fully focussed for an hour, but not for two. Because of this, they are able to learn more during an online course than in a face-to-face one. Another advantage is that if you are afraid of speaking a foreign language, you can do it in your familiar, less pressured environment. My online students who normally feel anxious are more at ease and therefore learn better. You can also have easy access to a dictionary and other online resources. It's not cheating, it's marking good use of the tools there are when learning online. Lastly, the session can be recorded so you can experience the whole lesson all over again! Add in the BLCC e-learning modules, which you can do at leisure and practice 'life' during our sessions and you will see why this is a winning combination.
Nynke D.J. - English and Dutch Trainer
Inge L. - German Trainer
Tijdens een opleiding Duits komt er veel meer aan bod dan de verbuigingen die de Duitse taal zo moeilijk maken. We focussen ons voornamelijk op een uitbreiding van woordenschat, leren conversaties in het Duits te voeren en belichten daarnaast ook specifieke, culturele eigenheden van Duitstalige landen. De kennis die tijdens de face-to-face sessies verworven wordt, kan de cursist zelf toepassen en verder inoefenen via het uitvoerige online e-learning platform dat BLCC ter beschikking stelt. Tijdens taalopleidingen op maat behandelen we zeer gericht die thema's die voor de cursist van belang zijn, om zo op zeer korte tijd een zeer grondige en gerichte kennis te verwerven van zeer specifieke woordenschat binnen het domein waarin hij of zij actief is.
Inge L. - German Trainer
Sam H. - English Trainer
I appreciate the team very much, and it truly is a delight to collaborate with BLCC and the team. 
Sam H. - English Trainer
Manon K. - French Trainer
Jai à cœur de transmettre ma connaissance de language française aux apprenants pour leur permettre d'atteindre leurs objectifs et s'épanouir pleinement professionnellement. Chez BLCC nous nous adaptons et offrons une approche personnalisée en fonction de vos besoins et de vos objectifs. Notre approche individuelle est un véritable atout pour l'apprentissage car nous ciblons les points à approfondir. Nous offrons aussi un suivi personnalisé qui permet de suivre les progrès de manière détaillée et ainsi d'avancer plus vite pour atteindre les objectifs fixés lore de la première rencontre.
Manon K. - French Trainer
Nowadays our life is defined by great mobility, time management, and efficiency. By offering a trailer-made virtual training, BLCC meets all these requirements. In my virtual teaching practice, I have had the chance to give courses to people located in different places, whether it is Belgium, France, a company's office, or their own house. Additionally, the language learning experience that BLCC offers does not boil down the virtual sessions only. With the help of the e-leaning platform, my trainees can practice independently on their own laptops or via an app, which I, as a trainer, can monitor, providing feedback any time. All these tools have made language learning trouble-free, convenient, and suitable for our current lifestyle.
Nadia D.L. - English Trainer

Un grand merci à toi et ton équipe pour cette merveilleuse soirée de vendredi. Maita et moi avons vraiment apprécié l'accueil de tous et la qualité de la prestation. Vive BLCC et longue vie à tous !!

Frederic et Maita - French Trainers
Ik was zelf een beetje zoekende naar een job waarin ik echt gelukkig zou zijn. Dankzij de BLCC familie heb ik die gevonden!
Karin R. - Language Trainer