For many of us, public speaking is a hurdle we find difficult to overcome. Add to that the fact of presenting in another language and for many it becomes a task way too daunting.
Fortunately, you can learn how to give presentations with confidence even if you have to give your presentation in French!
How to give a strong and effective presentation in French?
With these 5 tips you will impress everyone during your next presentation.
1. Lead your audience
Your audience will be able to follow and appreciate your presentation better if you signpost throughout. Use a variety of language to introduce the topics, outline the arguments or instructional points in your presentation and in your conclusion.
Tip: Arm yourself with signposting expressions to start your presentation in French:
How to start your presentation in French |
How to structure your presentation in French |
How to change topic during your presentation in French |
How refer backwards and forwards during your presentation in French |
How to end your presentation in French |
Par exemple :
Tout d'abord, je voudrais expliquer ce qui s'est passé au cours des trois derniers mois. Je voudrais maintenant aborder mon deuxième point concernant les domaines qui nécessitent une attention et des améliorations. Passons maintenant à la mise en œuvre de nouvelles actions. Finalement, je voudrais parler de la délégation des tâches.
2. Be persuasive: use emotion
Nobody likes to listen to a monotonous tone filled with uninteresting terms. Whether you’re winning a client or convincing an employee, get them engrossed!
TIP: Practise your intonation and use persuasive expressions!
Focus attention during your presentation in French |
Adding attitude during your presentation in French |
3. Keep it informative and relevant
When presentations and subjects go off course, you lose the attention of listeners. Don’t get side-tracked. Get straight to the point.
TIP: Find expressions that explain your point accurately! Idioms are useful in these situations, for example:
When the meeting runs over scheduled time and you don't have much time left you could say: Je garderai ce point court car nous courons contre la montre.
If you want to summarise a point you could say: Voilà qui conclut la ... partie de ma présentation.
4. Answer questions effectively
The end of the presentation usually comes with some questions that need to be answered spontaneously. You'll need time to think to prepare your response.
TIP: Equip yourself with phrases that give you some time and allow you to think and formulate a good answer!
How to answer questions during a presentation in French |
5. Stay confident and smile
Giving presentations in your own language can be tricky enough, but having to give one in another language can be ever more daunting and will no doubt play with your confidence.
TIP: Prepare in advance, practise at least twice and don’t forget to smile!
Do you need help with your presentation skills?
Presenting is something you can learn so be aware that you will become better and better at it as you gain experience.
Are your language skills the biggest obstacle to be able to present spontaneously? Then you can consult one of our language coaches on Squidll.
Together you can prepare your presentation, broaden your vocabulary, practise your text until you are confident enough to give your presentation.