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Make the learning objectives of your course SMART

Written by Jody Dewancker | Feb 16, 2023 8:49:57 AM

Taking a professional language course as a function of your job. You don't usually do it lightly. There is often a reason, a why behind it. And a good thing too!  

Because when you have a reason for taking a language course, you can also set yourself learning goals. And when you have a goal, you get results.  

And that is exactly what you want to achieve after your language training: results, progress in your professional language use and your job.  

Draw up your learning objectives for your language training using the SMART principle. Your goals are:  

  • Specific  

  • Measurable 

  • Achievable

  • Realistic/relevant

  • Time-bound


We explain each pillar in the context of your language training. This allows you to set SMART learning objectives for yourself. 


Your learning objectives are SMART.

1. Your learning objective is specific.

Whoever learns a language, or starts language training, often has only a vague learning objective in mind. 

We like to hear: I am taking a language course to speak/understand the language better.  

That's right! 

But why exactly do you want to learn or master the language better?  

Some specific & concrete learning objectives:  

  • I am taking a language course in order to speak to my clients on the phone more fluently  

  • I am taking a language course to give my elevator pitch in English 

  • I am taking language training to feel more confident in meetings   

  • I am taking language training to avoid making mistakes in my e-mails 

  • I am taking a language course to improve my pronunciation of French. 



These goals are already a lot more specific!


2. Your learning objective is measurable.

Of course, your learning objectives should also be measurable. For language training, we do this easily thanks to the CEFR level.  

Before starting a language course, we organise a telephone screening to determine your starting level. We also note the level you should ideally have at the end of your training.  

Please note that we have an important side note here. 

Would you like to focus during your language training on improving a professional skill such as telephoning fluently in French? 

Then you cannot expect your general language level to have increased (much) by the end of the training. 

In that case, you should check whether you have made progress in the skill you wanted to focus on.  

3. Your learning objective is achievable.

Is your learning objective acceptable? By this we mean whether your learning objective is relevant? Is your language learning objective relevant to the context for which you are taking your language course? And do all those involved, think of your HR manager, also think your objective is relevant? 

Are you taking a professional French training course with the aim of expressing yourself more fluently on holiday? Then your goal may not be acceptable.  

Taking a training course to consult with your colleagues, on the other hand? Totally acceptable! 


 4. Your learning goal is realistic.

When a goal is not achievable and unrealistic, you risk dropping out.  

Do you have a beginner's level of French (CEFR level A0) and follow 40h training? Then it is unrealistic to expect to sound like a native speaker (C1) at the end of the course. 

Set realistic expectations for yourself, with small intermediate steps if necessary. That way, you will feel more quickly that you are making progress and arriving at your final goal.  

5. Your learning objective is time-bound.


Because your language course is always time-bound. Before the start of your language course, you know exactly how long it will take. Whether you follow 10 hours of individual coaching or 40 hours of group training.  

So you always have a deadline to set your learning goals which we have defined above. 


Setting learning objectives in your screening.

At BLCC, we have long been aware that setting learning objectives before the start of your training is important.  

This is why we also organise the telephone screening, where we don't just measure your starting level in the language. No, we also determine your learning preferences, outline your current situation and note where you want to be at the end of the training.  

Let learners help each other. Even when it comes to using that technology!  


Why set learning objectives?

Let's make a comparison. 

Picture this. You have no physical and would like to exercise more. Running strikes you as the most accessible option for that. Moreover, learning to run via apps like Start to Run is also easily accessible. Before you start, you know: I want to run 5 km within 30 minutes within my 12-week training schedule. Your goals are specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-bound.  

Bet you'll succeed.  

Starting jogging without such goals is much more difficult. Chances are you will lose motivation after a few weeks and drop out.  

The same goes for your language training.  

If you set & keep goals in mind, you will see the finish line. And let that make it easier to actually reach that finish line.  

Language training in which you set your goals in advance is guaranteed to be successful!  


Also set your SMART learning objective in a screening